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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Episode Seven Show Notes

Download this episode here

Short show notes this week


Pipe Smoker's Lexicon

Clay and Meerschaum pipes

Some great sellers in our links, Altinok and WhitePipe.

Using a small tasting pipe for trying new tobaccos

Send us an email or review us on Itunes

Friday, March 21, 2008

Episode Six Show Notes

Get this episode here

Another long one this week, so here we go!

Listener Feedback
We will be going to TAPS!

Tobacco Topic
Cuts of Tobacco

Ribbon- "Ribbon" cut tobacco is generally between 1/16"(1.58 mm) and 3/32"(2.38 mm) wide, and forms "strands" of varying lengths. Very common cut, especially for aromatics and VaPers.
Example- Haddo's Delight, reviewed here.

Shag- Very fine ribbon cut, often used for seasoning tobaccos like latakia and perique
Example- McClelland Black Shag, reviewed here.

Cube- pressed and then cut into tiny squares, a common cut for burley
Example- LJ Heart Burley, reviewed here.

Flake- in the US, refers to small irregular cut tobacco, with pieces no bigger than 1/8”(22mm).
Example- Larry's Blend, reviewed here.

Plug- large brick of pressed tobacco, can be cut up into various types depending on thickness
Example- Coniston Cut Plug, reviewed here.

Krumble Kake- Thick wide slices that break apart easily.
Example- Penzance, reviewed here.

Flake- aka “slices” in the US, thinner sliced plug can be smoked whole or rubbed out.
Example- Erinmore Flake, reviewed here.

Rope- aka “lanyard” tobacco has been spun in to a long strand.
Example-Samuel Gawith Brown #4 Twist, reviewed here.

Spun-cut- aka “disk” tobacco is a rope that has been sliced up.
Example-Escudo Navy Deluxe, reviewed here.

Pipe Topic
Setting up a rotation
Anatomy of a pipe

Pipe cleaner w/solvent or without


Dealing with sour pipes
Pipe sweetener
Salt and alcohol treatment
Vinegar treatment

Loose stem

Oxidized stems

Professional help
American Smoking Pipe Repair Company
PO Box 153, Pocono Lake, PA 18347;
Website is in our links list

Email us or leave us a review on Itunes

Special Episode-Interview with Frenchy

Download this episode here
We were going to hold this episode until Monday but its just too good to wait that long.

This interview is with Frenchy from Frenchy's Pipes, and he talks about topics ranging from his personal pipe collection to cleaning estates, and even a bit about his personal life.

Frenchy recommends the blend made for him by Russ Oullette, and says he can't be without his Virginia Spice.

If you want to hear more interviews, or have people in mind for us to interview, email us and we will do what we can!

On Monday, we'll return to our regularly scheduled episode.....This one's for you!

~Pipe Talk~

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Episode Five Show Notes

Download this episode here

1. Introduction
2. Tobacco Topic
Legal non-tobacco smoking herbs :
Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Spearmint (Mentha spirica)
Mugwort(Artimisia vulgaris)

All of these available here

Deertongue (Liatris odoratissima)
-No Wikipedia page for this *GASP!*
Can be bought seperately (under blending tobacco's), or found as a flavoring agent in Habana Cigars' Capitol Stairs blend (reviewed here)

3. Pipe Topic
Finding local pipe groups (See our links on the side bar...)
Finding local B&M’s (See our links on the side bar...)

Email us or leave us a review on Itunes!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Ok we just put up a pile of links. All of the links to the right are sites and businesses that we have used in the past and found to be great resources for our community!

If you wish to subscribe to this blog: scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Atom link!

Episode Four Show Notes

Get this show here

Mail and Responses

Tobacco Topic:
Virginia versus Perique

Our favorite VaPer blends:
Louisiana Red, Capitol Stairs and Bayou Morning Flake

Smoking Tips: Health Concerns about pipe smoking

Thanks to Hair Club Fo Men for our theme music.

Email us or give us some feedback on Itunes!

Episode Three Show Notes

Get this episode here
Mail and Responses

Tobacco Topic: Burley

Our Favorite Blends:
LJ Heart Burley and Wessex Burley Slice

Smoking Tips:
Choosing and Breaking in your first pipe.
Good source for new pipes
What to look for in a starting pipe
Breaking in a new pipe

Thanks to Hair Club Fo Men for our theme music.

Email us or give us some feedback on Itunes!

Episode Two Show Notes

Get this episode here.

International Pipe Smoker’s Day

Tobacco Topic segment:
Aromatic blends
Favorite Blends, from Habana Cigars in Albany: Danny Boy, Ice Cream Sundae, Highland Whiskey and Black Rasberry

Smoking Tips
Packing Methods
Gravity Fill
Three Fingers
Frank Method

Thanks to Hair Club Fo Men for our theme music.

Email us or give us some feedback on Itunes!

Episode One Show Notes

Download this episode here

Introduce Pipe Talk
Tobacco Topic:
English Tobacco: Latakia
Brian’s Latakia Picks:
Squadron Leader and Dunhill 965

Smoking Tips: Travel
Types of pipes to use in the car
Types of Tobaccos to smoke in the car
How often to smoke in the car
Risk of mild nicotine poisoning
Lighting methods

Thanks to Hair Club Fo Men for our theme music.

Email us or give us some feedback on Itunes!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Welcome to the Website for the PipeTalk Podcast!

Here you'll find Shownotes and various other tidbits from Brian & Matt!
